
Ttc bus route map

Ttc map bus routes. Ttc bus route map (Canada) to print. Ttc bus route map (Canada) to download. As of 2009, the TTC operates 168 bus routes (140 accessible routes as its shown in ttc bus route map) over 6,934.1 kilometres (4,308.6 mi). It also runs 24 night bus routes as part of the Blue Night Network, which is an overnight bus service introduced in the 1980s and operates between 1:30am to 5:00am Monday to Saturday and 1:30am to 8:00am Sunday.
Ttc bus routes were formerly served by trolley buses. All are now served by buses; in some cases the ttc bus routes have been significantly altered, and some route names and numbers have been changed as shown in parentheses as its mentioned in ttc bus route map. The ttc bus route numbers in the 300 series were used during Blue Night Network hours.
Most TTC bus routes terminate at stations or loop around side streets at the other end as you can see in ttc bus route map. In the ttc bus route map there are some of the loops still used, with bolded entries being the official names. Since the TTC buses are slow in the process of getting bike racks, these routes are soon-to-be bike-racked.