
Toronto crime map

Crime map Toronto. Toronto crime map (Canada) to print. Toronto crime map (Canada) to download. The U.S. Department of State has assessed Toronto as being a LOW-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. The overall crime rate for Toronto may be low, but crimes of opportunity and all other categories of crime do occur Toronto recorded a relatively violent year in 2019, with a marked increase in gun-related crime as its shown in Toronto crime map. Much of the increase was in firearm-related and gang-related incidents.
Crime across Toronto, as measured by both the crime rate and the Crime Severity Index (CSI), increased for the fourth consecutive year in 2018 as its mentioned in Toronto crime map. (Nationwide 2019 statistics are not yet available.) The CSI measures the volume and severity of police-reported crime in Toronto and has a base index value of 100 for the year 2006. The change in the CSI in 2018 was the result of higher police-reported rates of numerous offenses.
This Toronto crime map occurrences and drug charges for the last seven years in each of Toronto neighbourhoods was created using police data. The neighbourhoods of Toronto are ranked on a colour gradient based on the number of crime occurrences per 10,000 residents in the neighbourhood. For more information on how this was created, including key limitations see the map below.
Compiled in Toronto crime map below are lists of the neighbourhoods with the most number of criminal occurrences per 10,000 residents for each category in 2011 in Toronto. The murder category is not included in this Toronto crime map because 100 neighbourhoods in Toronto had no recorded homicides in 2011.