
Ttc map

Map of ttc subway. Ttc map (Canada) to print. Ttc map (Canada) to download. The subway system is a very popular mode of public transport in Toronto as its shown in ttc map, with an average of 1,054,200 passenger trips each weekday (as of Q4 2011). The TTC sometimes uses the term "rapid transit" internally to describe all four lines, but in public usage they are called subway lines, with the exception of the Scarborough RT, which is simply called "the RT."
You can pay your Toronto Transit Commission or ttc bill directly from your bank through your online banking website as its mentioned in ttc map. This payment option requires a TTC-issued customer number. Do not use an employee badge or Wheel-Trans registration number. You can pay your ttc by credit card, Amex, MasterCard or Visa.
The ttc network currently consists of three standard subway routes and the Scarborough Rapid Transit link, bringing the city a 70km transit system as you can see in ttc map. The ttc subway is now the backbone of Toronto transport system, with 149 ttc bus and light rail routes feeding subway services.
The Toronto ttc Subway is built to a unique gauge of 1,495mm, rather than the 1,435mm standard and is powered at 600V DC, with trains collecting current from a third rail as its shown in ttc map. The entire ttc network has been laid as a two-track system, although at certain locations an additional third track has been laid for train storage and reversal.
After the New York and Mexico Subways, ttc Toronto is the third busiest mass transit system in North America. To accommodate massive ridership figures, a large fleet of 684 subway cars (on the Yellow, Green and Purple lines as its mentioned in ttc map), together with a fleet of 28 intermediate capacity trains on the Scarborough RT, 56 subway works cars and 6 RT works cars are needed. Between 1995 and 2001, the ttc fleet was joined by an additional 372 accessible subway cars.